It reduces the nutrients in groundwater and increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Furthermore, it leads to chemical drift, increasing the level of harmful substances in the country where they can damage biological life and have a negative impact on agricultural activities. Therefore, industrial wastewater treatment is a necessity.
Our industrial use of water concerns both waste production and consumer demands. The problem here is choosing which materials should go where. It becomes more complex as elements are thrown across industries. Many pollutants are concentrated over long distances from springs to coastal waters.
It is therefore necessary to understand why the pollution of rivers, seas and oceans today presents such a challenge in order to understand the importance of industrial wastewater treatment.
Reasons why wastewater treatment is necessary
1. Treated wastewater has multiple uses
The treated can of wastewater is suitable for agriculture to be useful for water recycling and conversion. Recycling is a practice that the Indian industry prefers when using treated wastewater for horticulture and gardening. At the same time, initiatives such as the thermal power industry use purified water to treat ash.
2. Wastewater treatment can help save water
In some industries (mining, agriculture, metal industry, etc.) treated wastewater is used to wash inputs to control pollution, and one of the main reasons for wastewater treatment is lack of water (source, connections, supply, capacity).
3. Wastewater is crucial for environmental protection
Most industries are responsible for wastewater, but very little is done to repair the damage caused.
Industrial wastewater is the product of oil and gas, mining and chemical companies, as well as the food and beverage industry, necessary for the production of clothing, footwear, computers at hand and driving cars.
Wastewater treatment, collection and discharge are key to protecting human health and the environment; modern wastewater treatments help create new values from the materials, energy and water that come into wastewater streams.